The website contains descriptions of periodic scientific conferences ‘Human ecology’ and ‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’ in Polish and English and other conferences organized by Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists
The Conference ‘Human ecology’
Detailed information on the website of Section of Human Biology in
Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists
Contact: Michał Skoczylas, MD PhD, president of Section of
Methodology in Medical Sciences in Polish Medical Association,
Subsequent editions of the conference below
The 4th International Conference ‘Human ecology’
Sandomierz and Tarnobrzeg, 4-5 June 2020
Because of COVID-19 epidemy the conference is postponed to the year
2022 or later.
Detailed information was presented on the websites of Section of Human Biology in
Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists
. We invite you to participate in this meeting.
The 3rd International Conference ‘Human ecology’
Lublin, 19-20 June 2018
Detailed information was presented on the websites of Section of Human Biology
in Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists
and Section of Ecology in Polish Medical Association
Abstract book - Lublin 2018.
The 2rd International Conference ‘Human ecology’
Szczecin, 9-10 June 2016
Information about the conference in Polish and English was presented
on the website and abstracts were published in the book ‘Human ecology.
The 2nd International Conference, Szczecin 9-10 June 2016’:
Human ecology.
The 2nd International Conference,
Szczecin 9-10 June 2016.
Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie, 2016.
ISBN 978-83-7663-214-8.
The Conference ‘Human ecology’
Łódź, 17 May 2014
Abstracts of speeches in Polish and English were included in the book entitled
The conference ≪Human ecology≫,
Łódź, 17 May 2014:
The conference ‘Human ecology’,
Łódź, 17 May 2014.
Szczecin: Wydawnictwo PPH ZAPOL Dmochowski, Sobczyk Sp. J.; 2014.
ISBN 978-83-7518-678-9.
The Conference
‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
Detailed information on the website of Section of Human Biology in
Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists
Contact: Michał Skoczylas, MD PhD, president of Section of Methodology in
Medical Sciences in Polish Medical Association,
Subsequent editions of the conference below
The 7th Conference
‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
Szczecin, Wrocław, Poznań, Olsztyn, Tarnobrzeg (online),
18 May 2021
Abstract book 2021.
The 6th Conference
‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
Szczecin - Wrocław, 11 and 18 May 2019
Abstract book 2019.
The 5th Conference
‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
Szczecin - Wrocław, 14 and 19 May 2018
Abstract book 2018.
The 4th Conference
‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
Wrocław - Szczecin, 5 and 24 April 2017
Abstract book 2017.
The 3rd Conference
‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
Wrocław Szczecin, 14 and 16 May 2016
The conference program with abstracts.
The 2nd Conference
‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
Szczecin - Wrocław, 26 i 30 maja 2015 roku.
The course of the conference is described in the article ‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
and the content of the speeches is presented in the bilingual book entitled The second Conference
≪Rare diseases not only in the curriculum≫. Szczecin Wrocław, 26 and 30 May 2015:
Skoczylas M.M., Rudnicki J., Ślęzak R.: II Konferencja „Choroby rzadkie nie tylko w programie nauczania”,
Szczecin Wrocław, 26 i 30 maja 2015 roku. Wiad Lek. 2015:68(3)2:421-422.
The Conference
‘Rare diseases not only in the curriculum’
Szczecin, 12 May 2014
The report from the conference is included in the article ‘The Conference ŤRare diseases not only in the curriculumť in Szczecin’
and the content of the speeches is presented in the bilingual book entitled ‘The Conference ≪Rare diseases not only in the curriculum≫.
Szczecin, 12 May 2014’:
Skoczylas M.M.: Konferencja pt. „Choroby rzadkie nie tylko w programie nauczania” w Szczecinie.
Wiad Lek. 2014;4(67):569-570.