Brain Week

is organized since 1999 in Kraków,
as part of international Brain Awarness Week.
The event is designed to bring public attention to issues
related to normal and pathological functioning of the brain
and to emphasize the need for research in this field
due to the large impact of brain disorders on quality of life.
The conference also aims to popularize science and provides an opportunity to discuss
he current state of knowledge about the brain.
It is held as a series of lectures attended by:
and high school students.

Program of Brain Week 2023 in Krakow

Lectures will be made available from March 6-11,, 2023 from 5:00pm.
In the Auditorium Maximum building of the Jagiellonian University
The program of the popular science conference under the theme
"Interactions between diet, gut microbiome and brain"

Organizers: the Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists, Jagiellonian University,Maj Institute of Pharmacy Krakow
Sponsors: Ministry of Education and Science

March 6, 2023

prof. dr hab. Urszula Wojda
Necki institute of experimental biology

Lecture title:
"Can a bad diet cause Alzheimer's disease"


March 7, 2023

dr hab. Piotr Maciejak
Department of Neurochemistry, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw.

Lecture title:
"Through the stomach to the brain. Can diet modify the treatment of epilepsy?"

March 8, 2023

dr hab. Joanna Wierońska
Laboratory of Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders, Department of Neurobiology,
Maj Institute of Pharmacy Krakow

Lecture title:
"Nutraceuticals - how changing the intestinal microbiome can affect brain function"

  March 9, 2023

prof. dr hab. Krystyna Koziec
Faculty of Animal Science, Department of Animal Physiology and Endocrinology
Hugo Kołłątaj Agricultural University Krakow.

Lecture title:
"Variable effects of intestinal microbiota on brain function"

March 10, 2023

prof. dr hab. Karolina Skonieczna-Żydecka
Faculty of Health Sciences, Independent Laboratory of Biochemical Research,
Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin

Lecture title:
"Clinical significance of microbiome changes under the influence of selected drugs"

March 11, 2023

dr Aneta Brzezicka
SWPS University, Warsaw

Tytuł wykładu:
"How food affects thinking -
The relationship between diet and memory and what bacteria have to do with it"

Publication supported by funds from the state budget under the program
Ministry of Science and Higher Education called "Excellent Science"; project number DNK/SN/550513/2022 ;
amount of funding: PLN 28,352.00; total project value: PLN 36,202.00.